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Understanding correlation rule, correlation configuration, and default correlation

Understanding correlation rule, correlation configuration, and default correlation

Every IIQ enthusiast has one time or the other felt the need to understand the three correlation options IIQ provides. They might have come up with questions like - which to use? Which supersedes the other? Can all three types coexist? Can I have no correlations defined? 


I have tried to break down the three types and tried to answer the questions in the attached document. Feel free to suggest changes. Few likes on the post will be much appreciated. Smiley Happy

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Nicely done Rohit. Very well Explained. Yes the Rule will be checked first for any Correlation and then the others.

Nice explantion Rohit.

> The rule supersedes the correlation config and correlation config supersedes the default correlation.


I have seen instances where there is an automatic correlation in the event that an application account Display Name value matches an existing Identity's Display Name value, and this behavior superseded a correlation rule I had in place.  Is Display Name considered on par with the unique identifier?  In this instance, both the Identity and account display name differed from the in scope unique identifier.


It should not happen that the default supersedes your rule or a correlation config.  If you are seeing that behavior, you should post full details in the IdentityIQ Forums​ or you should open a ticket with support.

OK. This is not a current issue. I saw it a couple of years ago and was really stymied by it. I consulted a colleague about who said they had experienced the same thing and was told by “someone” that it was “undocumented but correct” behavior. At the time, I worked around it by leaving the Display Attribute setting to blank until initial aggregation and correlation were completed and setting after that was done.

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The Document was helpful. But we need someone to help us with the following case.


Application integrated with no Correlation Rule and Correlation Config.
When we ran account aggregation, default correlation occurred using application account 'Display Attribute' and 'Identity DisplayName'

instead of account 'Identity Attribute' and 'Identity Name' as suggested in the document.

Please suggest which is the default correlation behaviour.

Hi Rohit,

I have gone through your explained it very nicely. But I followed same procedure to check the correlation will be happen based on which attribute? 

As per my understanding and experience I found it is happening based on Display attribute?

Can you just correct me if I am wrong?

Can you justify as well that difference between identity attribute and Display Attribute?

Thanks in advance Rohit






@vivekpotdar Hello! I recommend tagging the user with "@" and their username (in that case that would be @sen_rohit90 ), to make sure they receive a notification for your question or comment. 

Hi @sen_rohit90 

I have gone through your explained it very nicely. But I followed same procedure to check the correlation will be happen based on which attribute? 

As per my understanding and experience I found it is happening based on Display attribute?

Can you just correct me if I am wrong?

Can you justify as well that difference between identity attribute and Display Attribute?

Thanks in advance Rohit




@sen_rohit90  Excellent description and examples.  Thanks for taking the time to setup these examples and make this crystal clear!

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‎Mar 20, 2023 08:20 PM
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