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API to get a list of tasks assigned to managers

API to get a list of tasks assigned to managers

This document allows you to make a REST API call to see a list of the most recent 750 tasks that were assigned to managers in your organization. These tasks can be assigned through provisioning actions.


You can also see these tasks listed on the Admin dashboard, or download a report containing this data.


NOTE: IdentityNow is currently working to increase this limit without adversely affecting the performance of the site. In the meantime, to see a complete list of Active tasks, go to Dashboard > Tasks.




  • Sign in to your org as an administrator. Click Admin and use strong authentication to log in.
  • Open your preferred tool for making API calls


NOTE: If you're making these API calls, you'll need to use on of our supported authentication methods. As a best practice SailPoint recommends using OAuth 2. Also, the endpoint you use must be changed slightly based on the authentication method. For details, see the Authentication section of the Developer portal documentation.


Get a List of Tasks



where <org> is the URL for the customer's IdentityNow org.


The results of this API call are sorted in descending order based on the contents of the created column.


To sort results, use the parameters sortColumn and sortOrder.


Valid values for sortColumn are:

  • complete - Whether the task has been completed. Displays true or false.
  • created - The time this task was completed, in UTC format.
  • description - Description of the task.
  • ownerName - The alias of the user performing the task.
  • requester - The alias of the admin who assigned the task to the owner.
  • state - The status of a task. For example, pending or finished.
  • targetName - The name of the user the task is being performed on.
  • type - The type of action. Usually this is manualAction.


Valid values for sortOrder are:

  • ASC - sorts results in ascending order.
  • DESC - sorts results in descending order.


A successful result looks similar to the following:

api call.png


For more information, see IdentityNow REST APIs.

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Version history
Revision #:
7 of 7
Last update:
‎Oct 28, 2022 02:24 AM
Updated by: