Hello everyone! My name is Courtney Collins, I am a Manager of Customer Success Enablement and I am here to help you to find resources and along your deployment journey.
We are really looking forward to your onboarding success with us at SailPoint.
Hello! Sorry about that, check out this blog post https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Identity-University-Blog/Did-you-know-SailPoint-offers-FREE-train...
You do need to be singed in to to Compass to see some of the links but the Free Identity University is open to all users.
Hello Courtney, I hope you are doing very well?
I am new to the community and this forum. I saw your post about free training and I clicked on the link but it did not work. can you please help?
Thank you.
Hello! Sorry about that, check out this blog post https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Identity-University-Blog/Did-you-know-SailPoint-offers-FREE-train...
You do need to be singed in to to Compass to see some of the links but the Free Identity University is open to all users.
You must be a current customer or partner to access some of the content on Compass. check out this page: https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Welcome-to-the-SailPoint/bd-p/welcome With how to register. If you are not a current customer or partner, access is allowed but limited to public content. If you are a Customer/Partner and still having issues email us for support: compass-help@sailpoint.com Thanks!
Thank you very much.
I will go through and revert back.
Thank you