I have completed the SailPoint IdentityNow Professional exam. I have received my badge and Scorecard after the completion of exam.
Will I get the certificate after the completion of the exam?
Best Regards,
Aditya Chadde
Hi Aditya,
Congrats on passing the exam! You should be able to download a certificate in your Identity University account. Otherwise, our main way to verify your success in the exam is through the digital badge that is delivered to you. This badge is available for you to post on any social media or business platforms that you wish.
Best regards,
Hello Dania,
I just saw that the Engineering Exam will be retired on Jan 10th 2025 and a new exam will be introduced on Feb 2025. I had plans to take the exam soon and with this announcement my plans will be set back. So I would really appreciate it if you could answer just one quick question.
Will the new exam be drastically different from the old exam and if so just how drastically?
I would really appreciate it if could answer this question.
Thank you,
Mayur Suresh
Hi Mayur,
That is correct, we are retiring the exam this week however if you are already registered for the IdentityNow Engineer exam, you can still sit for the exam.
The exam includes several similar sections and objectives as the previous exam, we have just updated this to include a general knowledge section that is more industry wide based questions versus SailPoint product questions. Upon releasing the exam in February, we are also releasing an exam prep guide which will show you a breakdown of all sections and objectives covered in the new exam. Keep in mind, this new Identity Security Engineer exam (as well as the IdentityNow Engineer exam) is a role based exam, meaning it is expected to have at least 1 year experience in the field before sitting for the exam.
I hope this helps! More announcements and resources will be available as we approach February.
Best regards,