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Community Updates: IdentityIQ

SailPoint Employee
SailPoint Employee
4 0 2,646

We are making improvements on guiding users to relevant documentation by phasing out links to open knowledge bases and adding targeted information to the landing pages. 

Before, the Product menu had links to the updates blog and open knowledge bases with no way to understand which documents were the most relevant or important. 

IdentityIQ Updates (1).png

Now there is one central location that will make it easier for you to discover your next steps. Click on IdentityIQ from the Product menu to see the updated landing page. 


Before, the IdentityIQ landing page had one link to all documents: Technical White Papers, Product Manuals, and Other Documentation.

IdentityIQ Updates (2).png

Now the IdentityIQ landing page has three links to a document in each section that will help guide users to important information. We have also made a slight UI change to the side bar menu. 

IdentityIQ Landing Page after.png


These changes are designed to simplify the menu and guide users to important documentation. Knowledge bases are still accessible by navigating through the breadcrumb trail on any article that you are reading. 

Send us your comments and questions. We always read the information that is submitted through the community surveys, and through feedback sent to

About the Author
Visit the Community Tutorials page to learn about the Compass community. If you have a problem with your account send an email to