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How to: Use the SailPoint Support Portal

How to: Use the SailPoint Support Portal

If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the SailPoint Support Portal, please reach out to us at




This guide provides detailed information on how to navigate through the portal. Browse the user-friendly catalog and search for knowledge articles based on category, rating, or views. File a support request and keep track of all your cases based on type or status. Whether you're reading knowledge articles or creating support requests, the SailPoint Support Portal is your go-to resource for all the information you need.


Registering as a new SailPoint Support Portal user

1. Go to and click Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

2. Select No account? Register now!

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png

3. Review the SailPoint Terms of Service and select I Accept and Continue to follow through on creating a new account.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

4. Fill in the required fields and click Submit.

    • First name
    • Last name
    • Username
      • Username should be between 2-21 characters, and begin and end with a number or letter
      • Supported characters include ASCII alphanumeric, underscore, and dash
      • Unicode characters are not supported
    • Email address
    • Password requirements
      • No more than 2 repeated characters
      • 5 unique characters
      • Minimum of 8 characters
      • 1 special character
      • 1 number
      • 1 uppercase character
      • 1 lowercase character
    • Verify password

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png

5. Follow the prompt to verify your email address.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

6. Enter the verification code that was sent to your email address and select Verify.

Note: If you do not see the verification email in a few minutes, please check your junk mail or spam folder. If you do not receive the email in your inbox, please contact your company's IT team and add the domain to your white list.

7. You are now registered and signed in.


Logging in to the SailPoint Support Portal

  1. Head to the SailPoint Support Portal and then select Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png

2. Enter your email for your SailPoint Single Access Account and click Submit.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.png

3. Enter your current password for your SailPoint Single Access Account and click Sign On.

Tutorial Screenshot #8.png


Navigating through the Support Portal

Using the Support Portal's search

Enter a word or phrase in the search bar and then click the magnifying glass icon to generate a list of results from various SailPoint content sources.

Tutorial Screenshot #9.png

Under Filters, check mark the knowledge category that you are interested in. This selection will automatically update the search results page.

Tutorial Screenshot #10.png


Accessing the Support knowledge base

Users can access the Support knowledge base via the SailPoint Support Portal by selecting either the Knowledge tab or the Find Knowledge button.

Tutorial Screenshot #11.png

For more detailed guidance on navigating through the Support knowledge base, please check out this community tutorial.


Creating a request

There are two different ways to create a request in the Support Portal.

The first way is by selecting the Support tab and then click on Submit a Request under the For Customers section.

Tutorial Screenshot #12.png

The second way is to scroll to the bottom of the Support Portal page and then select Get Help.

Tutorial Screenshot #13.png

On the Service Catalog page, choose the service that is best matches your needs. This selection will redirect you to the correct form.

Tutorial Screenshot #14.png

Fill in the required fields and then click Submit once you are finished.

Tutorial Screenshot #15.png

After submitting your request, you will be directed to a separate page where you will receive a Case Number.

Tutorial Screenshot #16.png


Viewing your cases

There are two different ways to access your cases.

The first way is by selecting the Support tab and then click on Cases under the For Customers section.

Tutorial Screenshot #17.png

The second way is by clicking View Cases located next to the Find Knowledge button.

Tutorial Screenshot #18.png

The My Lists page consists of five different categories that allow you to view a specific list of cases.

Tutorial Screenshot #19.png

# List Name Description



A complete list of cases that you have access to.


My Cases

Cases that have been created for you as a contact.


Action Needed

Cases that require your attention.


Watchlisted Cases

If you have been added as a watchlist member for cases, they will appear under this list.


My Org's Cases

Show all the cases for the organization or account that you are a contact for. You need elevated access to view this list.


Accessing attachments to your case

1. Start by selecting the View Cases button on the Support Portal homepage and then click on the case of your choice.

Tutorial Screenshot #16.1.png

2. Select the Attachments tab to access all the attachments uploaded in the case that you chose.

Tutorial Screenshot #16.2.png


Filtering your cases

Users can apply filters to their search query to get a refined list of cases.

Start by selecting the Choose Field drop-down menu, choose the specific condition that must be met, and then click Run.

Tutorial Screenshot #20.png

After running a customized search query, you will be presented with a refined list of cases. Click on the category tab of your choice to sort the list of cases by that particular order.

Tutorial Screenshot #23.png


Saving a filter

Start by customizing the search conditions, select Save Filter, type in a specific filter name, and then click Submit.

Tutorial Screenshot #22.png


Using a saved filter

Begin by selecting Load Filter, choose the saved filter of your choice to apply it to the current search query, and then click Run.

Tutorial Screenshot #23.png


Exporting your cases

Start by selecting the View Cases button on the Support Portal homepage, click on the triple bar icon, and then choose the file type of the cases that you want to export.

Tutorial Screenshot #24.png


Updating a request

Users can update their requests at any time.

1. Begin by selecting the View Cases button on the Support Portal homepage.

Tutorial Screenshot #24.1.png

2. Click on the category of your choice and then choose the case that you want to edit.

Tutorial Screenshot #25.png

3. To add a comment to a case, type in the text box located below the Attachments tab and then click Send.

4. To make a specific action on a case, click on the Actions button and then choose from the available options.

Note: The actions you can take depend on the state of the case. For example, if a case is resolved, you can either accept or reject the solution that was provided.

Tutorial Screenshot #26.png


Case states

Below are a list of definitions for case states in the Support Portal.

# Case State Description



The initial state for a new support request which is created through the SailPoint Support Portal.



The case is assigned to a SailPoint representative.


Pending SailPoint

The client is waiting for more information from the SailPoint representative that is assigned to their case.


Pending Customer

A SailPoint representative is waiting for more information from the client.



A SailPoint representative has proposed a solution and waits for the client to either accept or reject the solution.



The client has accepted the solution which will permanently close the case.



The client has cancelled their support request.


Requests in the closed state

After a SailPoint representative has proposed a solution, you can either accept or reject the solution. If you reject the provided solution, your case will be remain open. If you accept a solution, your case will be permanently closed and cannot be updated.

Tutorial Screenshot #27.png


Checking your service entitlements

View all your organization's entitlements and service projects that are either scheduled or in progress.

1. Start by selecting the Support tab and then click on Entitlements under the For Customers section.

Note: This feature requires elevated access. If you are interested in enabling this feature, please contact us at

Tutorial Screenshot #28.png

2. Click on the category tab of your choice to sort the list of entitlements by that particular order.

Tutorial Screenshot #29.png


Support Portal overview video


Frequently asked questions

If I change my email, do I need to change it in both Compass and the SailPoint Support Portal?

To update your email, please send a message to


Why can I not see my organization’s cases?

Your organization may not have elevated access enabled. If you should have elevated access, please reach out to us at


What is Elevated Access?

Elevated access allows users to see any cases opened by any other user in their organization. This is a powerful permission that can be requested by the appropriate person from your organization such as a manager, supervisor, or director. Elevated access can be granted at the individual or organizational level. If you are interested in enabling this feature, please reach out to us at


How do I update a request in the closed state?

Once a case has been closed, you cannot make any further actions on that particular case. Check out the Requests in the closed state and Case states sections to learn more.


How do I export my requests?

Check out the Exporting your cases section to learn more information.

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Version history
Revision #:
75 of 75
Last update:
‎Jun 27, 2024 06:14 PM
Updated by: