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IdentityIQ common health check findings and recommendations

IdentityIQ common health check findings and recommendations



Content to Review:

Performance management for IdentityIQ

Please review SailPoint’s Performance Management Guide for IdentityIQ

Performance management guide for IdentityIQ

Hardware sizing

Use correct SailPoint Hardware sizing

IdentityIQ hardware sizing guide


Database performance

Review database performance

IdentityIQ database performance tests


How to interpret IIQ DB performance status

TempDB storage issues and performance related topics in the IdentityIQ environment.

Use latest JDBC drivers

Ensure latest JDBC drivers are being used. This has been a common culprit with performance

JDBC driver and IdentityIQ

Where to find JDBC config settings

Pruning identity cubes

Build appropriate database maintenance tasks to prune or archive data per best practices and company policy. Review Data Pruning related documentation that outlines the impact and recommendations concerning data pruning within IIQ.  It is imperative to system performance over time that data is actively pruned and maintained

Pruning identity cubes

Perform maintenance (housekeeper) task explained

Task/request server configuration

Background processing in IIQ

Verify the correct Task/Request Server Configuration

The Request Processor and Task Scheduler hosts should be on the same back end server(s).  With the introduction of partitioning, the Request Processor is now equivalent to a backend processing server and should be set accordingly in the ServiceDefinition objects.

Background processing in IdentityIQ: The TaskScheduler & RequestScheduler

JVM configuration

JVM configurations for IdentityIQ can be tuned for better performance.

Java JVM memory tuning guide for IdentityIQ

Identity refresh

Do identity refreshes take too long?  Consider splitting the identity refresh task.  The Identity Refresh tasks could be broken out into separate function-focused sub refreshes to handle specific actions.  This type of configuration is a best practice. Separate refresh tasks could be configured to process identity events (triggers), policies and attribute promotion. The identity refresh tasks will undoubtedly run much more quickly when the number of identities are pruned appropriately. However, should performance be an issue going forward, partitioning could be leveraged.

Configuring delta identity refresh in IdentityIQ


Partitioning best practices


Logging and auditing

Keep “tracing” off in all workflows in production

Clean up SysLog Entries.  The SysLog typically records exceptions in the system. The exceptions often involve issues with misconfigurations, rules and other custom code. The system should only generate syslog entries when there is truly an issue with the software. Enabling this option will lead to the discovery of errors.

As a rule, there should be minimal logging in production; workflow tracing conflict with that standard. Ensure that this flag is set to false in the Production deployment.

Logging and auditing

Logging best practices

Use partitioning in aggregation and refresh tasks where possible and advantageous

Partitioning the aggregation and identity refresh tasks allows multiple threads and servers to process the incoming data. Only certain applications support partitioning, so this can be implemented for Active Directory and the delimited file applications.

Partitioning best practices

Service accounts

Follow service account best practices. 
1. Service accounts should not be directly correlated to human identity cubes
2. Personal accounts should not be utilized as service accounts

Account data should be analyzed and reworked to differentiate between personal and service accounts. Refer to the Compass article for service account best practices.

Service accounts best practices


Best practices to manage services accounts in IdentityIQ – Crash course video


Connecting to apps from a hosted IdentityIQ installation

Please make sure you consult SailPoint if you have plans connecting to applications from a Hosted IdentityIQ Installation

Servers hosted on cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, etc.)

Logical applications

Logical applications can have performance problems when you configure too many of them. Please make sure you consult SailPoint regarding your logical app requirements.

Limitation on number of logical applications

Logical apps vs. roles


Review connector troubleshooting tips

Troubleshooting guide for connectors


SailPoint SSB (Service Standard Build) Build Process should be followed

Services standard build

Identity CheckUp (Billable)

If you do not have resources on your team with the necessary SailPoint skills sets to take action on the above recommendations you should consider purchasing an Identity CheckUP

If you have already taken action on the above recommendations and are still observing performance issues, you should also consider purchasing an Identity CheckUP

SailPoint IdentityIQ CheckUP


It should be noted that these findings are from real world health checks and some may not apply to your unique IIQ implementation.  Also, depending on your SailPoint skill set, some of the recommendations might be too complex to try and resolve yourself.  You should consult your implementation partner and/or SailPoint services.

If you believe your team lacks the necessary IdentityIQ skills and experience to take action on the above recommendations, we recommend that you consider an Identity CheckUP

Version history
Revision #:
4 of 4
Last update:
‎May 23, 2023 10:45 PM
Updated by: