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How to: Create an Education Services request

How to: Create an Education Services request

If you encounter any issues or have questions about using the SailPoint Support Portal, please reach out to




Utilize the SailPoint Support Portal to submit requests and track your cases at any time. For detailed guidance on navigating through the portal, refer to this community tutorial.


Create an Education Services request

1. Go to and click Sign In to be directed to the single access page.

Tutorial Screenshot #1.png

2. Select the Support tab and then select Submit a Request under the For Customers section.

Tutorial Screenshot #2.png

3. On the Service Catalog page, select the Services category and then click on Education Services to be directed to its form.

Tutorial Screenshot #3.png

4. Fill out the required fields and then click Submit to create your request.

Tutorial Screenshot #4.png


Viewing your cases

There are two different ways to access your cases.

The first way is by selecting the Support tab and then click on Cases under the For Customers section.

Tutorial Screenshot #5.png

The second way is by clicking View Cases located next to the Find Knowledge button.

Tutorial Screenshot #6.png

The My Lists page consists of five different categories that allow you to view a specific list of cases.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.png

# List Name Description



A complete list of cases that you have access to.


My Cases

Cases that have been created for you as a contact.


Action Needed

Cases that require your attention.


Watchlisted Cases

If you have been added as a watchlist member for cases, they will appear under this list.


My Org's Cases

Show all the cases for the organization or account that you are a contact for. You need elevated access to view this list.


Accessing attachments to your case

1. Start by selecting the View Cases button on the Support Portal homepage and then click on the case of your choice.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.1.png

2. Select the Attachments tab to access all the attachments uploaded in the case that you chose.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.2.png


Updating a request

Users can update their requests at any time.

1. Begin by selecting the View Cases button on the Support Portal homepage.

Tutorial Screenshot #7.3.png

2. Click on the category of your choice and then choose the case that you want to edit.

Tutorial Screenshot #8.png

3. To add a comment to a case, type in the text box located below the Attachments tab and then click Send.

4. To make a specific action on a case, click on the Actions button and then choose from the available options.

Note: The actions you can take depend on the state of the case. For example, if a case is resolved, you can either accept or reject the solution that was provided.

Tutorial Screenshot #9.png


Case states

Below are a list of definitions for case states in the Support Portal.

# Case State Description



The initial state for a new support request which is created through the SailPoint Support Portal.



The case is assigned to a SailPoint representative.


Pending SailPoint

The client is waiting for more information from the SailPoint representative that is assigned to their case.


Pending Customer

A SailPoint representative is waiting for more information from the client.



A SailPoint representative has proposed a solution and waits for the client to either accept or reject the solution.



The client has accepted the solution which will permanently close the case.



The client has cancelled their support request.


Requests in the closed state

After a SailPoint representative has proposed a solution, you can either accept or reject the solution. If you reject the provided solution, your case will be remain open. If you accept a solutionyour case will be permanently closed and cannot be updated.

Tutorial Screenshot #10.png


Interested in finding out more information about the Support knowledge base? Read this community tutorial.

Version history
Revision #:
37 of 37
Last update:
‎Jun 27, 2024 06:10 PM
Updated by: